Monday, October 31, 2011


For you loyal followers who saw last week's post on baby bumps and one of our fave blondes you'll be happy to know....


J. Sim is going to be a Mummy!!!! :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011


'Tis the season ladies and gentleman...for young children far and wide to don costumes and set about trick-or-treating, for grown men to indulge in childhood super hero or comic book fantasies and for young women...well we all know how this goes...wasn't it Lindsay Lohan in her pre-jail/rehab/jail/rehab/rehab/probation days who said it best in "Mean Girls?"

"In girl world Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about"  haha ...How right you are L.Lo, how right you are? ;)

Over the weekend celebs were rocking their fiercest Halloween costumes in full force:

Gwen Stefani as Sleeping Beauty.
Kim K as Poison Ivy.
Heidi Klum as....I have no idea but it's awesome
.....and creepy! haha
Nicole Richie as J.Lo.
What's everyone doing for Halloween???  I have to say hubby and I are keeping it PG this year and celebrating by trick-or-treating with our niece and nephew and my amazing mama-in-law and sista-in-law! Word on the street is I have a witch and Dracula coming over tomorrow-I can't wait!!!

Other than that we will probably just eat candy, make a fire, and watch a scary movie...any ideas?? I'm kind of a wimp when it comes to scary movies so wish me luck!

And stay tuned for more celeb costume updates!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Curling Up.

Speaking of rain, what could be better in this type of weather (weird-does that rhyme?! haha) than jumping into a snuggly, clean, fluffy bed?  

Growing up, The Sound of Music was a staple in our home and my mother has forever coined the phrase "Sound of Music Bed" based on the layers of fluff and fabric that created the bed from the Julie Andrews classic. 

The original.
How do you guys feel about bedding?  I'm currently in a place where I'm inspired by white, white, white...and more white.  Something like these...

Devon Radziwill's
Crosby Street apt from

Amazing blog Shelter

Home of one of my favorite couples ever.
Lonny mag. Decorating bible.

I must be having a Rachel Zoe moment lately bc this is one of my
FAVES.  In the words of RZ I. DIE. for the 4 poster bed...hubby are you reading this??? :)

How do you guys feel about decorating your beds/bedrooms?  I feel bedrooms should be a peaceful sanctuary for sleeping.........etc. :) I personally didn't grow up in a tv in the bedroom kind of home and hubby and I agree on not loving the idea of having a tv in the bedroom either.  

Now...just to be tooootally candid, we doooo have one in our room currently (i know-i hate it) but really its bc: 1) we have no where else to put it and its a relatively brand new flat screen haha and 2) if I'm ever getting ready in the morning and need to check traffic I'll flip it on.  I think max viewing time on that lil guy has been mayyyybe 30 min IN TOTAL. haha

What do you all think?

....And FYI throughout the course of this post the rain in Baltimore has now changed to snow/sleet!  Praying for hubby who's currently OUTSIDE at John's Hopkins watching his "little" brother (see Joe-you got a shout out!!! ;) hehe) on the Ursinus football team!

Rain Rain Go Away

Okay...its miserable out today! haha...How do you guys feel about rainy days?

I happen to find rainy days incredibly romantic sometimes.  The rain falls and I've instantly transplanted myself in a Jane Austen novel ;) hehe

Seriously, hasn't everyone fantasized about a long kiss in the rain???  Maybe that's just the hopeless romantic in me coming out :)

Friday, October 28, 2011

It Has Arrived...

Strike a pose.

Crispy Fall Days

Without a doubt my favorite day of the year has to be what we in the Evans/Polansky clan call...a crispy fall day!  On these magical days when you walk outside you are hit by what is certainly a fireplace burning somewhere near by.  It almost smells like snow :) Overcast with a slight chill in the air; these days come at a time of year when the leaves have all changed to brilliant kaleidoscope of reds, yellows and oranges and the only thing you want to do is curl up on a couch surrounded by your loved ones, and drink hot cider.  Today is one of these days...


Derek Lam

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Baby Bumps

Finally catching up on some much needed Rachel Zoe episodes got me thinking about baby bumps (Zoe was without a doubt one of the most fabulously styled pregnant mamas around!) So with that said...

WHAT is the deal with J.Sim these days???  I think we're farrrr past the likes of being on "Baby Bump Watch" for one of my fave blondes ever....more like "Baby Bump HIGH ALERT!" haha

Is it true what the rumor mill is saying about her holding out for a high price tag on those first baby Sim paparazzi pics?? Hmmm....

Come on now sister! ;) 

Since getting married a few months back (9 mos. and 12 days to be exact-but who's counting hehe) the question I'm asked the most is, "When are you guys going to have a babyyyyy???" Now-Hubby and I are both finishing up law school.  So, while a baby is not something we're not putting on the calendar for next month, it is certainly something I think about.  

I'm fortunate enough to be the eldest of five children raised by the two most amazing parents in the world-who also (just as an aside) are STILL TOGETHER and STILL IN LOVE!! Crazy right? ;) My little brother and 3 little sisters and I were raised in an amazing, loving, crazy, warm, happy household so naturally a big crazy family is just what I want!  Annnnd what's the most important thing about being pregnant??? Figuring out what to wear obviously! hehe

Here are a few of my fave preggo ladies who navigated maternity mama style seamlessly:

J. Alba. Marchesa. Need I say more?
Gisele. Downtown supermodel chic. 

Ali Larter. Classic jeans, white tank, blazer.  Perfection. 
Kate Hudson kills me in anything she does. Love the dress. Love the heels. Love everything.

Queen B. And the most fashionable of all pregnancy style items....
a smile!

There are endless more ladies to be added to this list...who has your favorite maternity style?

Off to class...

Okay off to class shortly folks.  On this rainy fall day things I'll be dreaming about while there...

Snuggly interiors like this...
Sitting by a fireplace like this....
All while drinking something that looks like this :)


The Afternoon Off is a much more highly skilled blog I recently started following.

I made this tomato, arugula and goat cheese frittata for my husband and I the other night and it was a HUGE hit! (Now-mind you-he's nottttt the most discerning of eaters haha but loved it nonetheless!) Quick and easy.

Click here for recipe....

All Hallow's Eve


I just couldn't help myself! Is this insane or what?! haha

Still working out the kinks...

Alright clearly I'm a newbie at this and have NO clue what I'm doing yet! haha  Anyone out there know why I can't post those pictures from Etsy???  Please comment if you do! HELP!

Let's try this again...




Did these work better guys??

My Friend the ROCK Star!

Best thing about being part of the blog world?  Getting to showcase the amazing talents of others!

Check out my girlfriend Adelle's incredible handmade jewelry on her recently opened Etsy Shop-Dellsies.

You go girl!

Blogging for Dummies

Well here first day as a blogger!  Admittedly I'm about 20 years late in discovering this new and exciting world but better late than never!  I'm currently a third-year law student and as such, creative endeavors are not abundant in my life at the moment (haha).  I have long admired various fashion/interior design/foodie blogs and decided to start my own to combine all the things I love most...WISH ME LUCK!
