Finally catching up on some much needed Rachel Zoe episodes got me thinking about baby bumps (Zoe was without a doubt one of the most fabulously styled pregnant mamas around!) So with that said...
WHAT is the deal with J.Sim these days??? I think we're farrrr past the likes of being on "Baby Bump Watch" for one of my fave blondes ever....more like "Baby Bump HIGH ALERT!" haha
Is it true what the
rumor mill is saying about her holding out for a high price tag on those first baby Sim paparazzi pics?? Hmmm....
Come on now sister! ;)
Since getting married a few months back (9 mos. and 12 days to be exact-but who's counting hehe) the question I'm asked the most is, "When are you guys going to have a babyyyyy???" Now-Hubby and I are both finishing up law school. So, while a baby is not something we're not putting on the calendar for next month, it is certainly something I think about.
I'm fortunate enough to be the eldest of five children raised by the two most amazing parents in the world-who also (just as an aside) are STILL TOGETHER and STILL IN LOVE!! Crazy right? ;) My little brother and 3 little sisters and I were raised in an amazing, loving, crazy, warm, happy household so naturally a big crazy family is just what I want! Annnnd what's the most important thing about being pregnant??? Figuring out what to wear obviously! hehe
Here are a few of my fave preggo ladies who navigated maternity mama style seamlessly:
J. Alba. Marchesa. Need I say more? |
Gisele. Downtown supermodel chic. |
Ali Larter. Classic jeans, white tank, blazer. Perfection. |
Kate Hudson kills me in anything she does. Love the dress. Love the heels. Love everything.
Queen B. And the most fashionable of all pregnancy style items....
a smile!
There are endless more ladies to be added to this list...who has your favorite maternity style?